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CLG Grant Program

​​​​​​​​Each year, at least 10% of KHC’s federal Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) goes to CLGs for a variety of preservation projects, educational activities, studies, and updating documentation. Demonstrating the partnership between each governmental level and emphasizing that preservation decisions are best made locally.

The CLG Grant Program is a 60/40 matching grant and funding is only for projects defined as eligible by the HPF Grants Manual (Historic Preservation Fund Grant Manual - Historic Preservation Fund (U.S. National Park Service)​). Awards are competitive and applications will be scored based on the proposed project’s contribution to Kentucky’s Preservation Plan.
Applications for the Extra Opportunity FY 2024 CLG competitive matching grant application opens March 19, 2025, and closes April 16, 2025. CLGs may apply for multiple grants, partner together on an application, and team with local nonprofits to meet the match. We request that you submit a separate application, including a separate budget, for each project you wish to complete. 

Carefully read through the Grant Application Packet, starting with the Grant Application Instructions, for guidance on completing and submitting your application. ​

download grant application packet

Submit your completed grant application.

Submit grant application ​

CLG Grant Recipients 

The CLG is tasked with ensuring the timely completion of the grant, overseeing project reporting, maintaining accurate financial records, and fulfilling all other responsibilities detailed in the Grant standards Terms and Conditions. Current CLG awardees can access important documentation regarding project management, compliance, and reporting through the CLG Grant Award Package linked below:



Nicole Roth
Site Identification Program Administrator
CLG Program & Planning Coordinator
